£112.00 -20%

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Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness e-Course by Stephanie McBride is a complete online training course developed for essential oil educators, birth professionals, parents and parents-to-be who would like to learn how to safely and effectively use essential oils during pregnancy, labour, and postpartum and for infant care.  

Click on the link here to purchase this ecourse  via Stephanie's unique link to save £50. 


Please note that the course is sold for $125 USD, which is roughly the equivalent of  £112 (depending upon exchange rate at the time) - the above link will take you to the site to purchase this amazing resource. The Maternal Wellness book is sold separately. 

What's included :

Participants will learn how to address the most common symptoms that arise during childbearing, including: morning sickness, swelling, fatigue, stretch marks, labour pain, anxiousness, low milk supply, teething, and colic. ​Participants will also walk away feeling confident and prepared to integrate essential oils into their birth experience or professional work by receiving a certificate of competency ​by completing the course and passing 5 quizzes online.

This e-course is beautifully presented in a series of eight colourful modules accompanied by audio-visual recordings, averaging 30 minutes in length.  Each module is enriched by photographs, research citations, charts, and simple essential oil formulations.  ​

Students have access to downloadable and online course materials, including:

  • Essential Oils for the Birth Kit- Hand-out - Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness- Handout- A 28-page usage guide with safety instructions, quality guidelines, Birth Kit Blends, monographs for 17 essential oils, and oil usage charts.
  • Essential Blends for the Birth Kit - A DIY Blends for the Birth Kit guidebook​
  • Bibliography
  • Five interactive online quizzes. Those who pass the quizzes will receive a certificate upon completion. 

Click on the link here to purchase this ecourse VAT FREE via Stephanie's unique link. 


 Please note that the course is sold for $125 USD, which is roughly the equivalent of  £112 (depending upon exchange rate at the time) - the above link will take you to the site to purchase this amazing resource. The Maternal Wellness book is sold separately. 




Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness e-Course by Stephanie McBride

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